Mother of God Virgin Mary "Introduction to the Temple". Wooden orthodox icon
Mother of God Virgin Mary "Introduction to the Temple". Wooden orthodox icon
Wooden Icon of the Mother of God Introduction to the Temple
After many years of prayer, the elderly parents Joachim and Anna gave birth to a long-awaited child, whose birth was announced to the future father and mother through the angels by God Himself.
The couple did not have children for a long time, but having reached old age, they resignedly continued to pray to God to send them a child.
Previously, among Jews it was believed that if there were no children in a family, then the spouses were rejected from God.
One day Joachim prayed for a long time in the desert, and he had a vision of the Archangel Gabriel. He told the prayer book that his request had been heard by God, and that a daughter would soon be born to him. She will be blessed. Through her salvation will be given to the whole world. The messenger instructed the parents to name the newborn child Mary.
And so it happened, and soon a girl was born into the family. Until the age of 3, Maria lived in her parents' house and learned to pray. Mother and father made a vow to dedicate Mary to God.
And so it happened! At the age of three, the girl entered the Jerusalem Temple, where she served the Creator until she came of age. Her life was pleasing to God, thus she soon became a visible link between earthly life and the heavenly world.
The icon is made by printing on a wooden board. Paints are mineral, do not fade with time. The thickness of the board is 2 cm. The board is covered with primer by hand. The image is covered with wax. Each icon has a metal mount on the back side so that you can hang the icon on the wall.
Our icons are made by Orthodox craftsmen. You can read more about the technology here:
We hope it will be a good gift for you and your loved ones.